Are you lonely?

Are you lonely? September 23, 2009

Utterly AloneImage by Michelle Brea via Flickr

We are a lonely people. Even in a crowded room of people we have all heard the cry and ache of our souls. It is pervasive and deep as our whole society is entangled in it’s grip.

Just listen to the frivolous talk and hollow laughter.

Thomas Wolfe said that “loneliness is and always has been the central and inevitable experience of every man.” It surrounds our thoughts. Loneliness robs our passion. It strangles our hearts.

Amazingly, in a world of endless entertainment, active lives and bustling streets that men and women are still be isolated, empty and alone. I put the cause directly in lap of modernism, the god of this age. Modernism teaches us that the material world is the end of all things. This ideal maintains that the scientific method, the world that is measured and observed and touched, is all that ever was and that there will ever be.

Is this all? Is there really nothing else out there?

From this seed has sprouted the weed of thought that technology can solve all our ills. If technolgy is indeed our king, then humankind is it’s servant. Secular society does all it can to silence the supernatural.

The only substitute is an eerie quiet as we are alone with our empty heartbeats. Left with nothing but machines and computers and inventions, we are isolated and empty creatures. While evenings were once filled with visiting family and friends, they are now filled with parents and their children tapping out directions in front of computer screens, exchanging emails and chatting with strangers.

Are you lonely? Comment here.

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