Expelled for his beliefs

Expelled for his beliefs April 18, 2008

Iowa State University Astronomy Professor Guillermo Gonzalez will soon be packing up his office. The Board of Regents rejected his final appeal for tenure after seven years.

It seems that Gonzalez, peering out into the vast heavens, could not reconcile evolutionary chance, especially when multiplied by the millions and millions of heavenly hosts. His book, “Privileged Planet” dares to tread into intelligent design, suggesting that the odds are just too great for all of this to just happen. His firing proves that freedom of thought, expression and religion is anathema to academia.

The university has intentionally discredited their most competent astronomer whose research is highly respected in his field. Unfortunately, his research makes them uncomfortable about their own exalted view of humanity. Ben Stein says that some of the greatest scientists of all time – including “Galileo, Newton, Einstein, operated under the hypothesis that their work was to understand the principles and phenomena as designed by a Creator.”

He says that today, these scientific greats wouldn’t get a single great, wouldn’t be able to teach and their great minds would be extinguished by the thought police.

Most Red Letter Believers, if they are living out their faith, will experience various degrees of isolationism, humiliation and marginalization at school or work. A few of us will even lose our livelihood. We stand together, for truth.

The Ben Stein movie, Expelled, is released today and talks about this injustice and hundreds of others across the country. We should all support this effort toward academic freedom …and truth.

Read more of Gonzalez’s fight here.
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Ben Stein’s “
EXPELLED: No intelligence allowed” opens April 18th
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