It’s never too late

It’s never too late June 5, 2012

Helen was an instant hit at our writer’s conference.  She’s the kind of woman you want as a mother, grandmother, or friend.

Photo by Laura Boggess
Her story was of loss – and resilence. She was married for 65 years to the same man and had lost him. Although she was now widowed, she didn’t quit. To be surrounded by a good retirement, a big house, loving children and grandchildren wasn’t enough. She still had a story to tell. And that’s why she was at the writer’s conference. She wanted to be a writer and wanted to start her book.

She was 90

What kind of person starts a book when they are 90?  Probably someone not totally in their right mind. And totally someone I want to be like.

Why do I think it’s too late to get my life straight, to write a book, to learn an instrument, to make a friend, to make a difference? Why do I think it’s too late for forgiveness, for wrongs to be made right, for reconciliation?

Laura Boggess wrote of her here  and here.  “And all I can think is how I hope I’m still letting God surprise me when I am ninety years old

I don’t know how Helen’s doing on her book, but her inspiration is still resonating.

It’s never too late.

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Photo by Laura Boggess

Linking up with Jennifer at God Bumps today.

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