Micromanager or just a Strong Leader?

Micromanager or just a Strong Leader? October 18, 2012

I read with interest the article by Christine A. Scheller over at The High Calling about micromanagement.

I’ve worked with micromanagers and in full disclosure, I’ve been a micromanager.

Her question is, “Is it a Leadership Style or a Pathology.”

Photo by Lord Maiser

In other words, is it just another way to conduct business, or is it rooted deeper in your makeup and personality. 

She interviews three people. L. Gregory Jones, senior strategist for leadership education and professor of theology at Duke Divinity School, says that “the tendency to micromanage can emerge from passion for an organization and its goals.”  He thinks there’s a balance to be struck. We need leaders “who can move smoothly back and forth between the big picture and the details that are necessary to ensure effective execution.”

Mark Roberts, senior director and scholar in residence for Laity Lodge notes that many micromanagers ” need to be in control, have problems trusting people, or are extreme perfectionists.” But he qualifies his statement. “Some managers are accused of micromanaging when they are simply holding their people accountable.”

Leadership consultant Jodi Caroll thinks it’s just a convenient term to hang on strong leadership. “Autocratic leadership is highly desirable in crisis situations when quick decisions are necessary,” she says.

I have strong opinions, that I beleive are rooted in research, reason and experience. I express those opinions in relationships, family, church and work. But the truth is that aren’t always well received. 

So I find myself wondering, asking myself. “Is this really about control? And then there are the other roots,  Pride and Power. How can I tell the difference?

Read the entire article here. 

What do you think? Do you work for a micromanager? Are you a micromanager? What is your motivation?

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