Stunts for God

Stunts for God September 7, 2011

If you are like me, you’re ready to dump this hum-drum life and really start making a difference. There are so many needs out there — real hurts. I imagine what I could do if I were really fulfilling my potential. There is so much change that needs to occur in my workplace, my family, and my neighborhood — and I could do something about it. Why stop there? Why not the world?

Would it mean a change in profession, even mission work or full-time ministry? How about some great ideas or leadership?

Photo by rod lewis

Would it require intensive study, deep mediation, or lessons in theology?

I wish I was really gifted to speak or write, influencing others. Even just a few tricks, some amazing stunts that would help God out.

Bonnie Gray wrote how God moves our understanding, “Just as I slipped into winter, I stumbled onto spring.” It’s this way for me too, finding answers without even looking.

The answer to this moving in my soul is simple.

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place if before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.”
—Romans 12:1, The Message

The deep Christian walk is less about a life of great deeds, rather it is more about a thousand little acts of obedience, lived out in the everyday, ordinary life.

And that starts by ingesting the Red Letters of Christ, living them out in your school, your home, your work and your neighborhood. One …Moment….At a time.

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