The darkest hour

The darkest hour February 21, 2010

You never can appreciate the light until you’ve been plunged into darkness.

It’s a place where all your fears cry out your name and grip your heart.

It’s a place where all the bitter reminders of an inadequate life rise up and accuse you.

It’s a table reserved for one – as you can neither see nor sense anyone else around you.

Darkness is a lonely place, indeed.

As the night wears on, the darkness deepens. Every bit of light is swallowed into its suffocating grip and all you have left is the fading memories of a sun you once thought too bright.

Scanning the horizon, you see no hope. The sky above is dark as the ground below. To the left and to the right provide no relief, so you stumble on in the blindman’s path.

A flickering flare shoots up out of nowhere, but it’s quickly doused by men who fear better days.

Dawn seems so far away.

This is the darkest hour

Looking around I hear a noise – rather, I feel it and it speaks out to me.

“I am your refuge. I am your strength”

We will not fear.
Though the earth give way
And the mountains fall into the heart of the sea
Though its waters roar and foam
And the mountains quake with their surging”

I’m listening God

“There is a river whose streams make glad
Be still, and know that I am God
I am with you.”

So, in the darkness I wait, no longer alone.

Scripture adapted from Psalm 46.

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