What would Noah blog?

What would Noah blog? July 18, 2008

By any standards, Noah had tough duty.

He was mocked.

He was abused.

He was harangued at every juncture.

Does this sound a little like what you face at work or school or in life?

We love the focus of Noah. God told him the direction he needed to take and he did it. He ignored the distracters and did what was right.

Do we have the same fortitude? What went on his mind? Did he doubt? Did he question? Did he argue with God?

The Wittenburg Door, America’s premier Christian satire magazine. has a hilarious post called “Noah’s blog.”Here are a few highlights to start you up:
Day 18
Note to self: next time I’m on a long cruise and I want to play badminton and I only have one birdie, play below deck. I’m so stupid.
Day 20
I hesitate to write this down, but here goes. . . .I was working late last night when I felt something bite the back of my neck. Without thinking, I slapped it. Long story short, the new world might have to do without the zhingi-zhingi fly.
Day 31
You guys read this blog. You know I love my wife, right? But I swear, sometimes she just gets on my nerves. “The roof is leaking, Noah.” “Noah, the sheep are soaking wet because the roof is leaking.” You know what? Sometimes Noah just needs a little Noah Time, okay?
Day 190
Sent out a dove, but it came back.
Day 204
Sent the dove out again today to bring back some more olives for dinner, but it didn’t come back. So good news is we may be off the boat and onto dry land soon. Bad news: Mrs. Noah’s Greek Dove Souffle is a no-go.

But here’s a more serious consideration. What can we learn from Noah? How does this time-honored story impact your Red Letter life today? How can you be a Noah at your job?
Please, share with a friend if you feel moved.
Read all past issues at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/davidrupert

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