Off to Greece & Turkey

Off to Greece & Turkey May 14, 2011

This evening I’m off with 17 North Park students to Greece and Turkey to encounter the Greco-Roman world of the New Testament. I’ll hopefully be able to give updates and upload some video and pictures during the 12 day trip. I’d appreciate your prayers for safety and for fruitful study tour. My chief hope is that students will “sojourn” long enough in the world of the first-century so that their imaginations will be captured by the mission of the early church and then be compelled to live out that mission in our 21st century context.

As C. H. Dodd put it:

An ideal interpreter is one who has entered into the strange first-century world, has felt its whole strangeness, has sojourned in it until he has lived himself into it, thinking and feeling as one of those to whom the Gospel first came, and who will then return into our world, and give the truth he has discerned a body out of the stuff of our own thought.

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