CT on Baptist Wars

CT on Baptist Wars June 20, 2012

Christianity Today has an article on the Calvinism and Southern Baptist Convention debate.

[Roger] Olson, a classical Arminian and author of the book Against Calvinism, is unaffiliated with the SBC, but has long asserted that most evangelicals—not just Southern Baptists—adhere to a sort of semi-Pelagian “folk religion,” whose origins can be traced to the Second Great Awakening and revivalists in the mold of Charles Finney.

He believes the new document proves his thesis.

“Traditional Christian doctrine, since Augustine anyway, has always been that people need a special infusion of God’s grace to be able to respond to the gospel—both Calvinists and classical Arminians agree on that,” he said. “They haven’t addressed that here at all.”

You know you have problems if the Arminians are denouncing you as semi-pelagian!


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