Peter Leithart on Double Imputation

Peter Leithart on Double Imputation May 20, 2014

Over at First Things, Peter Leithart has an interesting post on Double Imputation where he makes a provocative claim:

Perhaps double imputation arises from the assumption that the transaction that secures our standing with God takes place exclusively on the cross. Perhaps double imputation is compensation for ignoring the soteriological import of the resurrection.

To which I would say, “bingo!” In fact, the one area where Markus Barth, Richard Gaffin, Mark Seifrid, N.T. Wright, Daniel Kirk, and Michael Bird would all agree on is that the resurrection is essential to our justification. God’s verdict against us in the cross is transposed into God’s verdict for us in the resurrection. For in raising up the Son he vindicates him from sin and vindicates those who are in him. This is why Paul says in Rom 4:25 that Jesus “was handed over for our sins and raised for our justification.”

For a blast from the past see my Saving Righteousness chap. 3.

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