Peter Leithart plugs What Christians Ought to Believe

Peter Leithart plugs What Christians Ought to Believe June 1, 2016

Presbyterian theologian Peter Leithart (Theopolis Institute) gives a nice plug to my imminently released book What Christians Ought to Believe over at First Things.

Of late, many within the evangelical Protestant world have been calling for some form of ressourcement, renewed attention to the early church’s creeds, theologians, liturgies, and practices. Michael Bird’s What Christians Ought To Believe is one of the best of the lot. Bird, a New Testament scholar at Ridley College, Melbourne, doesn’t assume much prior knowledge of the creed, of creedalism, or of the Christian faith. He explains where the creeds came from, what they’re used for, and rebuts anti-creedal forms of Christianity before working carefully through each clause of the Apostles’ Creed.

On days like this, I really do love Presbyterians.

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