Cartoons Around the Blogosphere

Cartoons Around the Blogosphere July 9, 2008

John Pieret has a “cracker” of a post. Ann Fontaine highlights some bloggers who are blogging the Qur’an. Ken Schenck continues working through James D. G. Dunn’s The Partings of the Ways. The Evolution of the Mystery talks about miracles. Scot McKnight has a little exercise for young theobloggers. Jim West shares Joe Zias’ thoughts on the “Revelation of Gabriel”. Chris Heard’s two interests, teaching Bible and role playing games, are finally converging. Mark Goodacre blogs the Doctor Who season finale, “Journey’s End”. C.Orthodoxy points to a Christianity Today article about why hell gets more movie time than heaven.

Here’s the latest from ASBO Jesus:

I think it may perhaps be beaten by this gem from Abtruse Goose (HT Pharyngula):

But even that did not make me laugh as hard as this little promotional video, brought to you by “Christians for worshipping and praising the God of the Bible, or else” (HT Debunking Christianity):

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