Proudly NOT Associated With Any Who’s Who

Proudly NOT Associated With Any Who’s Who July 11, 2008

I received an invitation from yet another Who’s Who today, this time by ordinary mail. This one was Cambridge Who’s Who. Given what I’ve learned and experienced about other Who’s Who organizations, I’m not surprised that they emphasize that they are proudly not associated with any other Who’s Who organization.

This one is much glossier, with a blog and a more impressive web presence than some of the others. But they acknowledge that all they are is a database of contact and biographical information.

I first heard of Cambridge Who’s Who from Annoyed Librarian. There’s also a collection of links at (which can’t be a good sign) and an entry at Rip-off Report. Others have posted their own points of view, insights, and even video content online about their own experiences. You be the judge.

As for me, I’m not just proudly not associated with any other Who’s Who. I’m proudly not associated with any Who’s Who whatsoever.

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