Holy Superheroic Religion, Batman!

Holy Superheroic Religion, Batman! August 29, 2010

Today superheroes seem to be a running theme. The children’s talk at church focused on Batman. Then, various blogs touched on the intersection of religion and superheroes, comic books, etc.

TheoFantastique focuses on gods that wear spandex and links to Christopher Knowles’ post about religion and DragonCon. Greenflame posted about religion and comic books as well as linking to an article on the SBL web site about video games and apocalyptic literature.

As a footnote, the pastor suggested in an aside in his sermon that Batman is not technically a “superhero” unless one considers being rich enough to buy and make really cool toys a “superpower.” Whatever you think about that, you’ll probably find the treatment of Batman’s religious affiliation on the Adherents web site interesting. If that’s not enough, there’s more on the site Comic Book Religion, while Adherents also has a discussion of the Joker’s religious background.

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