Who Didn’t Participate in Don’t Burn a Qur’an Day?

Who Didn’t Participate in Don’t Burn a Qur’an Day? September 13, 2010

As far as I know, around the globe the only two people/groups that did not participate in the “Don’t Burn A Qur’an Day” held this past weekend are the folks at Westboro Baptist Church (who’ll burn anything) and Alex Stewart in Brisbane, who is down to a pack a day and is apparently trying to quit:

When we consider how hard it can be for a person or group to back down from doing something they’ve committed to, we should appreciate the reversal by the Dove World Outreach Center. And we should also make sure that we don’t slide over the boundary from using our freedom of speech to express dismay at Qur’an burning, and trying to curtail the freedom of others to offend religious believers. The former is what freedom of speech is for; the latter places it in jeopardy and seriously undermines it.

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