Combating Crackpots Around the Blogosphere

Combating Crackpots Around the Blogosphere December 29, 2010

Expanding on a recent theme here, IO9 has hilarious instructions on how to be a more awesome crackpot.

Christopher O’Brien and Scott Bailey discussed and shared links to a recent post of mine trying once again to explain differences between scholarship and pseudoscholarship. Scott also shared some humorous comments/expansions on the Facebook fail he shared earlier, many of which illustrate why sometimes just a little bit of thought, rather than extensive scientific knowledge, is sufficient to keep you from being duped by nonsense.

Chris O’Brian also shared a post on why correcting creationists is infuriating – but he nevertheless tries once again to do just that.

James Bradley finishes explaining why Dembski’s “design inference” doesn’t work.

Jerry Coyne explains why there is plenty of time for evolution to have occurred.

Joe Meert shares the latest on radioactive decay rates.

Robin Parry discusses Old Testament cosmology, sharing links to some useful articles.
The National Post has an excerpt on the Gospel infancy narratives from Diarmaid MacCulloch’s book Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years.

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