We Are Not All Cylons (So Say We All)

We Are Not All Cylons (So Say We All) July 14, 2011

Joel Watts has posted what most people would probably consider an unnecessary reminder: No, we are not all Cylons. He was referring to this video:

I agree that it is problematic to treat myth – ancient or modern – as though it is actual literal fact. But having said that, I do think that Battlestar Galactica – original and rebooted – did some great things. In particular, the original Battlestar Galactica did something that few other sci-fi franchises have managed: create a universe, right down to the clothing and logos, which have not come to look more like products of their time than visions of the future with the passing of time – at least not to the same extent as other shows (think Buck Rogers).

I mean seriously, who today wouldn’t still gladly wear the uniform of a colonial viper pilot from the original series?

By way of contrast, even someone who never watched them before could probably date the Sylvester McCoy era Doctor Who episodes simply based on the logo from the title sequence:

This post is intended to be frivolous, but it is actually important to remind ourselves regularly that the future as we imagine it now (whether we are writing apocalyptic or sci-fi) will normally within a few years look much more like something of a bygone era, easily datable by the clues of our context and limited vision.

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