The Historical Jesus around the Blogosphere

The Historical Jesus around the Blogosphere April 26, 2012

There’s a lot of interesting stuff in the blogosphere in the past day or so related to topics of regular interest on this blog.

Bart Ehrman offered a lengthy reply to Richard Carrier. Ehrman also did an interview at Religion Dispatches about his latest book, Did Jesus Exist?

Thom Stark deals with Richard Carrier’s attempt to claim that Targum Jonathan provides evidence of Isaiah 53 being interpreted before the rise of Christianity in terms of a suffering messiah. In fact it shows the opposite: when that interpreter treated the passage messianically, he made it the messiah’s enemies who suffer rather than the messiah himself!

Jerry Coyne and Joel Watts mentioned an article on the historicity of Jesus by Stephen Law.

Nijay Gupta mentioned an online article by Dale Allison about the historical Jesus and human memory.

Helen Ingram has a new blog/web site on the topic of her thesis, whether Jesus was a magician (HT Jim Davila). It includes videos of an interview she did on the topic as well. Here’s a sample:

April DeConick has begun blogging about her sabbatical project, which examines continuity between certain currents in ancient religion and more recent forms of mystical and New Age religion.

John Loftus argues that Jesus mythicism doesn’t do atheism any favors. Tom Verenna mentions a book he edited on the question of Jesus’ historicity (although the table of contents suggests that the volume is not going to address that topic consistently and directly in the manner many might expect). I hope I get sent a review copy!

Bob Cargill and Jim West discuss the alleged “Arimathea” name among the residents in the Talpiot apartment building that is over one of the tombs. Jim also suggests that the Canadian version of the recent documentary may have differed from the one shown in the United States.


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