Agreement in Error and Common Origin

Agreement in Error and Common Origin January 22, 2013

Readers of the Evangelical Textual Criticism blog will have seen the post about how shared transcriptional errors are evidence of two texts having a common ancestor.

Given that there is still resistance to the acceptance of mainstream science among some Evangelicals, I thought it appropriate to mention that the exact same reasoning is used in biology to make the case for evolution. Where there is a matching transcription error in organisms’ DNA – such as that which results in human beings and some other primates not producing Vitamin C and thus being prone to scurvy – this is evidence of the error being due to shared dependence on a common “source” of this shared genetic material.

I hope that more Evangelicals will understand textual criticism and how it relates to Biblical studies. I hope that more Evangelicals will also understand the similar reasoning in the natural sciences and how it relates to our scientific understanding of life on this planet.

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