Why Panentheism?

Why Panentheism? July 6, 2013

Here’s another answer to a question that I offered in a Facebook discussion, which I thought might be worth sharing here. It was an explanation of why I find the language of panentheism helpful.

I don’t know that I, from my own human perspective, can sort out where Nature ends, or where God ends, or whether talking about either having an “end” really makes any sense. But by not positing a radical distinction between the two, I can note that most people would agree that there is a Reality that transcends us, which caused us to exist, and “in which we live, and move, and exist.” And so I think that helpfully moves things away from fruitless debates about “Does God exist?” to a discussion of “What is reality, how do we know, and how should we live in light of both what we know and the limitations on our knowledge?”

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