Sailing the Waters Above

Sailing the Waters Above September 9, 2013

The above screenshot from a Yahoo! question came my way via Facebook. Most felt it to be a parody. If so, it is a good one – taking the Bible at its word and insisting on its literal truthfulness about a detail that most self-proclaimed literalists are happy to ignore. Perhaps I should do a series arguing for the literal truthfulness of every single detail in the Bible, precisely as written and understood at face value, irrespective of extrabiblical data, rejecting science, and unconcerned about how foolish the result is, just to show how much of the Bible young-earth creationist charlatans could “defend” but don't?

On this topic, see Arni Zachariassen's recent post on the fact that he accepts evolution because he is a Christian. In it, he quotes Pannenberg and discusses ancient Israelite cosmology, including offering this picture which has also been shared on this blog in the past:



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