Unaccredited Church

Unaccredited Church October 15, 2013

J. K. Doyle shared (and offered a few critical comments about) the aboveimage that has apparently been circulating among those proud to be pretending to be Christians, and perhaps also among a small number of people who are as sincerely misguided about what being a Christian is as they are anout the use of scare quotes.

Holy Sprit? Angles? Poor spelling in a post whose overall message is “I don’t need none of that high-falutin learnin'”? I would love to think this is parody. But I fear that it is not.

Then again, maybe it is more honest and accurate than I gove it credit for. Heaven is the university of the maker of this image, and so they recognize that they have not been there yet. And the tuition is free – and they say you get what you pay for.

Is there anyone reading this who is actually proud to be a “Christian” – i.e. proud to be a pseudo-Christian rather than a genuine one, whatever that might mean?

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