Who Wrote the Pentateuch?

Who Wrote the Pentateuch? July 23, 2014

Rachel Portnoy Bradley shared the following in a comment on Facebook, in response to my post about JEPD as four-part harmony:

In my intro to OT class, we were required to do an “art project” — something creative about what we’d learned that quarter. A group of us got together and sang, “Who wrote the Pentateuch” to the tune of “Who wrote the book of love,” talking about the various sources. I only remember for sure the refrain, “Tell me, tell me who… who who who who… who wrote the Pentateuch……” and then snippets of the verses, like “the J-source was a realist….” and “the E-source was a dreamer….” and “we don’t know much about the P but they were probably all men” or something like that.

If there is no one who actually still has the lyrics to that, perhaps I and/or others should try to recreate it? It seems like it could be pedagogically useful, as well as entertaining.

I also noticed (as one does) that one can easily sing about Abélard and Héloïse to the tune of “Ebony and Ivory.” Just saying…

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