Slow Church Services

Slow Church Services October 12, 2014

Signspotting Around the World: Funny Fails

Twenty-Two Words shared a group of 29 unintentionally funny signs. I thought I'd share the one above. Presumably you can get both what its original intent was, and why it is funny.

My pastor spoke today in a talk for children about “Why go to church?” Every answer people gave, he said, “but can't you do that at home or in other places?” He seemed to be making a pretty good case for us not needing to go to church! What I hoped he would emphasize, but didn't seem to come across in what he said, is that we are supposed to be the church, not “go to church.” Coming together for music, prayer, fellowship, consolation, teaching, and learning as a larger community once a week is simply setting apart time to do things that we may also do on a smaller scale at other times and in other places.

In particular (and this is something the pastor did focus on) it is a time we make to slow down, to really be present with other people.

“Slow church services” is funny, but it is also just right. We should be church all the time, but setting apart some time to slow down and focus is crucial if we are to do that.

(I have to add that I think this was the first service in which I heard Mircea Eliade's work on the sacred mentioned in a sermon!)

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