Let the Punishment Fit the Crime

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime April 12, 2015


This comic from Cyanide and Happiness relates to both religious ideas of punishments in an afterlife, and education, and so I had to share it. There is a long history of people imagining punishments in an afterlife that are suited to the evils they did in this life. And, however problematic that is, it is probably preferable to the notion that everyone goes to the same place of eternal torment merely for not assenting to certain ideas.

I have sometimes suggested – mostly jokingly – that the punishment for plagiarists should be to write hit songs and then sit by living in poverty as other people steal them and make millions from them.

Whether or not you think that there is an afterlife, and whether or not you think that there are punishments and rewards in it, please join in the fun and think of appropriate afterlife punishments for various misdeeds that you can think of – especially (since we are nearing the end of the semester) educational ones!

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