Divine Artistry

Divine Artistry February 3, 2016

It is common for theists to speak of God’s artistry in creation. But that image sits awkwardly with a number of purported beliefs of classical theism. Artistry involves challenge and accomplishment, but an omnipotent God cannot overcome obstacles in any meaningful sense. Artistry involves choosing colors or melodies, but classical theism has asserted that God always “chooses” what is “best” – which doesn’t seem like a choice at all.

The Onion recently had a piece which depicts a God who could meaningfully create in an artistic sense – and whose being in a bad place could naturally account for the darker aspects of creation.

God is often depicted in this manner in the Bible – as powerful rather than all-powerful, as angry but able to be dissuaded from pouring out wrath if he accepts the counsel of a human who is more level-headed than he is.

I wonder how many religious people today, when push comes to shove, side with the philosophical and theological tenets of classical theism, and how many side with the more anthropomorphic depiction of God on the pages of the Bible.

God is the artist

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