Around the Blogosphere

Around the Blogosphere November 3, 2008

Loren Rosson points to the online text of a lecture by Mark Nanos on Paul and the Shema. James Crossley has more Jesus in an age of terror. C.Orthodoxy presents evidence for the historical Jesus. Unorthodoxology in unintentionally inspiring doubt. Mark Goodacre continues to play the dating game.

Truth and Tradition expects to find God’s Word beyond the Bible. Pharyngula points us to the story of the son of Rev. Phelps of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church.

Clashing Culture looks at how evolution can inspire faith. Robin Parry ponders evolution, animal suffering and theology.

Scotteriology has an Obama worship song. ASBO Jesus contrasts houses built on rock and sand. Roland Boer is questing for the historical NT Wrong.

Pisteuomen invites bibliobloggers attending SBL to a get-together. Bill Caraher discusses why academics should blog.

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