Blogging at Butler

Blogging at Butler October 21, 2009

The controversy related to a formerly anonymous blogger at Butler University has begun to appear in the blogosphere on blogs that I read, and since I’m at Butler, I thought I had better post something on this subject, even though I confess to being as confused as anyone. But here are some sources for those interested in finding out more:

Inside Higher Ed had a piece about this:

Squared Peg seeks to chronicle the controversy as it unfolded at

MLRC focuses on legal actions against bloggers, including this case:

Jess Zimmerman, the blogger in question, has a blog at Jess is the son of Michael Zimmerman, known to many readers of this blog for his role in the Clergy Letter Project. He was until last year Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

I wish I had more information to offer, but I don’t.

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