Dollhouse: Trying To Be Its Best

Dollhouse: Trying To Be Its Best December 12, 2009

What are we to do? Dollhouse keeps getting better and better, and it has been cancelled!
I’m starting to wonder whether having a clear end-date for a show makes it better, keeps it focused, keeps the momentum going and helps to avoid aimless wandering? Maybe every show should have a “best before” date by which it has to wrap up major threads? If it gets a renewal, then it can allow some unsolved mystery to continue. But shows always have to maintain a balancing act between satisfying viewers and keeping us in suspense.
Anyway, the technology revelations in the most recent episodes have begun to answer questions raised early in the show, when it was suggested that what the technology was being used to do was not ultimately what the aim of the project was as a whole. And as usual in the midst of the suspense and action there were delightful moments of humor.

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