Day Six or Friday?

Day Six or Friday? March 12, 2010

I’m curious whether anyone has ever translated the Hebrew expressions in Genesis 1 not as “day one, day two…” or “the first day, the second day…” but into the English days of the week, “Sunday, Monday…”

I’m not sure if it would have a significant effect on the way English readers perceive the text.

Do any Hebrew linguists reading this know whether the differences between the modern Hebrew for “Sunday” and the form in which we find “day one” in Genesis 1:5 are indicative of a change in terms for days of the week, or a clear indication that we are dealing with numbered days rather than named days of the week? Or is this a question that could only be asked by someone like me whose native language didn’t use “day+number” to indicate the days?

Any thoughts? Does it matter? Anyone with relevant expertise and the patience to satisfy my curiosity?

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