Jesus Paid It All

Jesus Paid It All April 22, 2011

Sometimes it’s easier to share a message through a song.  That’s why music plays such an important role in our lives.  On this Good Friday leading into Easter Sunday, I wanted to share a verse that really sums up our faith.  Had it not been for the sacrifice of Jesus, we wouldn’t have the privilege of saying that we are free from the bondage of sin.  It’s because of His death and resurrection that we can live and can say with confidence the lyrics of this verse (extended lyrics by Kristian Stanfill)

And when before the throne

I stand in him complete

Jesus died my soul to save

My lips shall still repeat

Jesus paid it all

All to him I owe

Sin had left a crimson stain

He washed it white as snow

Oh praise the one who paid my debt

and raised this life up from the dead

Enjoy this Easter weekend and remember why we celebrate our freedom.

(image credit: hoyasmeg)

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