Welcome, New York Times Magazine readers! Here are some quick links about me & My Peace I Give You

Welcome, New York Times Magazine readers! Here are some quick links about me & My Peace I Give You August 9, 2013

UPDATE, 8/9/13: The story is online and it is wonderful! Deo gratias! Will write more later.

Original post follows [cross-posted on my personal-life blog, The Dawn Patrol:]

I’ve been told that the online edition of the New York Times Magazine is set to publish an article in its Riff column that looks at my past life writing about obscure rock musicians as well as my present life writing about obscure saints. (The print version will appear in this Sunday’s issue.) Here are some quick links for anyone who reads the article once it goes up and wants to know more about me and My Peace I Give You:

  • If you’re looking to learn more about the message of My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints, you can download a podcast of my interview for “Catholic Answers Live.”
  • If you’d like to learn more about how I went from being a rock historian to being a Catholic author, you can watch my interview for EWTN’s “The Journey Home”:

  • Information on my speaking dates can be found in the “My Peace Tour” section of the Dawn Patrol, where I also have some downloadable recordings of past talks.
  • These days I am most interested in giving talks to current and former inmates, people in treatment programs, Native Americans, and other underserved populations. Recently I had a beautiful experience speaking to convicted prostitutes at the graduation ceremony of Philadelphia’s Project Dawn treatment court; you can read the text of my talk here and read an article about it here.
  • I am not on Facebook, but I am on Google Plus and Twitter. You can contact me through my Google Plus profile or just write mypeace.dawneden -at- gmail.com (replacing the -at- with an atsign).

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