Who cares about polygamy?

Who cares about polygamy? July 1, 2015

Again, just a question.

Right now discussions around polygamy are, for the most part, indirect discussions on whether Obergefell was decided correctly — whether its logic directly leads to polygamy or whether you can shore up your support for SSM by clearly differentiating between the two.

So the question I have for my readers is this:

If in a stealth legislation*, your state legalized polygamy tomorrow morning, would you:

(A) Think it was a fine thing, sure to help many people.

(B) Think it was a terrible decision, sure to lead to serious social problems.

(C) Support it because, irrespective of measurable benefits or harms, it’s the right thing to do.

(D) Oppose it because, irrespective of measurable benefits or harms, it’s the wrong thing to do.

(E) Be wholly indifferent.

UPDATE:  The “stealth legislation” bit was meant to simplify the question by assuming it’s a done deal, and all you have to do is form an opinion on it.  We could equally revise that to “imagine you’ve just come back from a long, off-the-grid vacation and learned that while you were gone, your state had, after much debate, committee mark-up, etc., legalized polygamy.”  ‘Kay?

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