There is no joy in Mudville

There is no joy in Mudville May 3, 2016

Well, that’s over.

Cruz crashed in Indiana, and threw in the towel.  To be honest, I was surprised at how poorly Cruz did — much worse than the recent polling predicted — and even more surprised that he dropped out, leaving only Kasich and his fantasies.  The last I read, I had thought that Cruz still had a chance even if it came down to California.

Yes, it was clear that the protests over the weekend, and the reports in outlets such as Breitbart of “Occupy”-type protesters with Mexican flags, smashing police car windows, would only work in Trump’s favor.  But the man is so full of nonsense as to seemingly believe the claim that Cruz’s father was a Lee Harvey Oswald associate!

A couple days ago I saw a focus group on a news show, portrayed as “typical Indianans,” who spouted nonsense such as “I feel like Trump is going to do what he says, and the rest of them are all just politicians like they’ve always been.”

What’s next?  Reports are that the GOP establishment is, in fact, lining up behind Boehner’s texting buddy.  Presumably they expect to manipulate him, figuring that as long as he gets the title of “president,” he’ll let others actually set policy.  Perhaps they simply hated Cruz so much they’re willing to lose the presidency as a result.

I don’t know.

This is a frickin’ mess.

And, yes, you Dems can gloat — but I’ll remind you that Trump won due to Democratic cross-over voters.


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