It’s Ok To Be Mad At God

It’s Ok To Be Mad At God November 25, 2015

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There’s a weird thing a lot of us do if we are Christians, and that is never actually be honest with God. We feel like it’s somehow wrong or we feel guilty if we don’t always have a good attitude. Now of course we want to strive for right perspective and find hope amidst tough times, but it’s also quite ok to be mad at God. It’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to grieve. It’s ok to hurt. And it’s ok to lay all that on God Himself.

Now that I’m a father, I see this eve more clearly, but one of the best signs of a healthy relationship is when na kid knows they can come to you with however they are feeling and you can process with them. It’s like that with us and the very Creator of the universe.

Why do we think we need to mute, hide, or stifle how we feel to the Almighty? He is God so He already knows it! It only seems schizophrenic to know God sees how we truly feel, yet we can’t acknowledge it ourselves.

Of course this isn’t new. This is actually an act of worship laid out in our very own scriptures. David, a man after God’s own heart, knew hurt, pain, betrayal, fear, grief, and a myriad of things. And he laid that at God’s feet. “Why are you downcast oh my soul?” And in speaking his true feelings, he knew they could finally be dealt with. Only when acknowledged and laid bare, would he then see the hope given to Him by His creator. Trust in God. Hope in God. Find comfort under His wings.

What if we actually lived this way? What if we had a constant line of communication open with God and not just came to Him with our tidy prepackaged prayers? My wife Alyssa has a 10 week e course where she asks this question and more. A full and thorough walk through the Psalms, and seeing them as anchors and healing balm for our soul in times of turmoil and hurt. Also this week only (day before thanksgiving until December) if you preorder Alyssa’s e course you get mine for free instantly, plus ALL our goodies that come with both. And if you already have my course you can give the new link to a friend and enjoy Alyssa’s when it launches January 1st. Click here to check it out or click on the photo below (which by the way how epic is that artwork?!).


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