Lenten Reflection #9: Jesus Tears

Lenten Reflection #9: Jesus Tears March 30, 2014

Lenten Reflection #9: Jesus Tears

Lenten Reflection #9: Jesus Tears

For He is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility…,” (Ephesians 2:14, HCSB)  

In order to build better relationships, I need Christ to help me tear down my walls.

Jesus is in the business of tearing down walls. It is easy for me to build a wall around myself. I am also the only one who can tear down the walls I put up around people. Jesus gives me that example. He spent His time on earth tearing down walls. He met with prostitutes. He talked to strangers. He healed people who were outcasts in society. He even participated in parties with people who were of “ill-repute.” Jesus was in the business of tearing down walls, by building up better relationships. he tore down social walls. He destroyed economic barriers. He exploded difficult ways of thinking and worldviews that people had about each other and about God.

I can easily be hostile with people around me who are not like me. I can easily cause division. Jesus helps me to tear down the walls of separation I have with others. Instead of being hostile, I learn to be hospitable. I learn to build relationships, not tear them down.

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