4 Simple Coping Tips for Worry Warts

4 Simple Coping Tips for Worry Warts September 4, 2017

We all tend to worry at one time or another.  We worry about our children, our pets, our jobs, we worry about worrying!  Too much of it can at times lead to physical and emotional health issues. Carolyn, who suffers from a lack of sleep because she constantly thinks and worries about her son possibly having seizures, is the subject of my video. If you’re a worry wart, then you’ll want to check out this out!

Worry Wart:  I toss and turn each and every night worrying about my son, is he going to make it through the night, is he going to have a seizure? He has type one diabetes and if his blood sugar drops too low, he could have a seizure, coma or even death. He had a seizure at diabetes camp on August 14, only lasted 45 seconds but it scares me so. I tell myself that sleep is for the weak!  Any advice on how I can stop worrying constantly?  Thanks, Carolyn

Photo Credit:  Son by Elementus @ Pixabay

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