Dream Messenger: Heaven’s Warning

Dream Messenger: Heaven’s Warning April 24, 2017

Do our loved ones visit us in our dreams? Do they communicate with us or send us heavenly warnings? I say they do!  Let me continue…

He stood in front of a burning wall, the tub behind him full of water. I still remember his white shirt, pants and the belt that he wore; the look of serenity that enveloped him was breathtaking. There were no other walls that I could see, other than the white ceramic tile one behind him which was on fire. I could see blue skies on each side of him when I realized that we were both in Heaven, suspended somewhere in time.

As we looked at each other, I could hear his voice in the distance saying “you’ll know this is true with the sign of an axe”. Not sure of what I had heard, I asked for him to repeat it again.  The message was clear:  “you’ll know this is true with the sign of an axe”.

I awoke suddenly, and with purpose. I had just received a clear message from my father.  I made my way into the den, and with pen in hand, started writing everything I could remember about it. I felt a bit of a worry with what was whispered to me. I couldn’t quite understand what it meant. Where was this bathroom? Why the fire? What was the meaning of the axe?   Was this some kind of warning or a message?

When Brad woke up, I told him of my dream. He also felt that this could be a message of sorts. A few days later, we decided to go out for our usual Friday night “fish and chips” at Sam’s local diner. It was a great meal as usual and as we were making our way out of the restaurant, an elderly gentleman stopped and asked Brad if he knew where the “Railway Museum” was located. Brad mentioned that he had never heard of it and referred him to the City’s information centre where he could inquire.

The man thanked him and then said “my grandfather forged his way into this city with an axe, one that I donated to the “Railway Museum” years ago. I was in town and thought I’d go see it”. Brad and I looked at each other with amazement. There was that “axe” word, one that normally doesn’t come up in conversation. We talked about it on the way home and agreed, my father was trying to tell me something. But what was it?  Was I supposed to go to the Railway Museum to look at this axe?  Was I to uncover some mystery?  I let it go asking Dad for further signs.  I just wasn’t getting it!

A few days later, I was helping  a friend Linda with some chores in the lobby area of the building where I lived. We were standing in front of building’s maintenance panel, when suddenly, the fire alarms went off.  The panel lit up like a Christmas tree, lights flashing everywhere: “warning warning warning”. Before she could reach up to unlock the system with her key, the alarm shut off by itself.

We looked at each other, and thought it was strange and as we started to walk away, the alarm sounded again.  We turned again only to see the panel lit up like it had just moments before.  Using the key, she turned off the panel and cancelled the alarm. We looked at each other again, and then heard the sound of sirens approaching.  We immediately checked the building for any sign or fire or smoke until we felt everything was fine. It seemed that the fire trucks were on route somewhere else as we could now hear the sirens growing fainter.   Needless to say, we were relieved.

Firefighters by OpenClipArt-Vectors @ Pixabay
Firefighters by OpenClipArt-Vectors @ Pixabay

When I got home, I received a call from Susan, the Administrator of the long term care facility where my mother resided. “Jay”, Susan said, “Please do not be alarmed, but I must tell you, there’s been a fire at this facility. Your mother has been taken to another area and is safe. Construction workers who had been working on the new addition had an accident today.  The insulation in the ceiling caught fire from a welding rod, and the fire is spreading, threatening the attached buildings”.

She went on to say that the fire department was now in the process of demolishing the new building to contain and stop the fire from spreading to the wall of my mother’s living area, particularly the rooms on the north wing.  I thanked Susan for the call and before she hung up, asked her which walls were facing north. She replied:  “The room where the bathroom is situated, the ones with the white ceramic tiles.”

I sat there for a minute in total awe. The message was indeed intended for me.   Axes, Firemen, and above all, a message of love and a warning from above, one of concern for my mother!  Thanks to my wonderful Dream Messenger, Dad and Heaven’s warning.  The sign of an “axe” was now understood!

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