Day Twenty Two: You are Part of the Body of Christ

Day Twenty Two: You are Part of the Body of Christ February 9, 2011

The body of Christ is more than a church; it is the graceful interconnectedness of life; the place where we all belong and all have a vocation, a role – or many roles – that bring beauty and health to the whole.

The body of Christ is the divine-creaturely community that embraces all of us. Our life’s mission is to discover the roles that we alone can play in bringing health to our companions in the holy adventure. Creation seeks wholeness, and so do we. Non-humans as well as humans have vocations in the dynamic interdependence of life.

Pause a moment: What is your vocation? What lively roles do you have in the dynamic interconnectedness of life? Where do you feel the greatest passion and liveliness?

Our survival and the survival of the whole are interconnected. As the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead affirms, peace emerges when we identify our well-being with the well-being of the wider universe. Our calling is to do something beautiful for God by living out our vocation as God’s partners in healing the earth.

Today, discover your creative interconnectedness with all of life through the following affirmations.

I belong to the planetary body of Christ.
I am God’s partner in healing the world.
I honor God’s spirit in the human and non-human worlds.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel saw “radical amazement” as the heart of religious experience. In the course of the day, open your eyes to the wonder of life, flowing through you and all creation.

Bruce Epperly is a theologian, spiritual guide, healing companion, retreat leader and lecturer, and author of nineteen books, including Holy Adventure: 41 Days of Audacious Living; God’s Touch: Faith, Wholeness, and the Healing Miracles of Jesus; and Tending to the Holy: The Practice of the Presence of God in Ministry. He may be reached at

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