January 17, 2013

Over at Ricochet I reflect on what preservationists in American can learn from the recent massive demonstrations in Paris for marriage: Hundreds of thousands gathered in a massive demonstration in Paris last weekend to protest President Francois Hollande’s plan to legalize so-called gay marriage and adoption by gay couples. The diverse coalition included Catholic, Muslim, and Evangelical leaders and laity, secular conservatives and gay people. There was also a rousing performance by French comedian Frigide Barjot. (Get it?) Many, myself... Read more

January 2, 2013

President Obama gave a moving speech a few weeks ago in Newtown, CT, in remembrance of the victims of the tragic shooting and in honor of the school officials, police, and others who responded so heroically. It was one of those too infrequent moments when Americans were united as one nation, joined in our sadness and resolve to do better.  The speech reminded me of another tragedy involving children recurring each day in communities across America.  How much of the... Read more

January 1, 2013

I sat down and wrote this (mostly) fictional short story in 2010 after my third date with a girl I cared for very much. On December 31, 2012 we celebrated our one-year anniversary. I love you, Abby! As he walked towards the baggage carousels, the young man looked at his watch. Her flight didn’t land for another forty-five minutes. He had taken the MARC train from Union Station once before and remembered it taking a lot longer. At least he wouldn’t... Read more

November 12, 2012

Signers of the Manhattan Declaration are a part of something, yet we have lacked a symbol of affiliation. This is a problem. Affiliation is a powerful thing. When a stranger signals their support for something you believe in, it creates an immediate bond and sense of affirmation. This mutuality reinforces conviction: I am not alone; I am part of something. Recently, the Manhattan Declaration has developed a logo that signers can display as as symbol of their commitment to a movement for... Read more

November 7, 2012

This morning I received a sweet and encouraging note from my mom. In the aftermath of the election results, she had been thinking about me. Specifically, about me and the Phoenix Suns. I’ve been a Phoenix Suns fan for as long as I can remember. Unlike most Phoenicians, my family has a long history in the state. My great-grandfather opened the first nursery in Phoenix. My grandmother was born there, as was my dad, as was I. We left when... Read more

October 30, 2012

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” -Psalm 139   Thanks to the generosity of friends at Coldwater Media, who created this film and provided Manhattan Declaration the opportunity to promote it. Check out the other short film in the Affirm the Sacred series on marriage, titled “One.” Read more

October 30, 2012

“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.” -Song of Solomon 8:6   Thanks to the generosity of friends at Coldwater Media, who created this film and provided Manhattan Declaration the opportunity to promote it. Check out the other short film in the Affirm the Sacred series on life, titled “Wonderful.” Read more

October 22, 2012

Billy Graham led a national evangelical ministry through the era of the Religious Right without ever becoming a part of it. Like his contemporary Chuck Colson, Graham’s ministry was never primarily political, focusing instead on spiritual and cultural teaching and boots-on-the-ground service to those in need. Of course, the strength of Graham’s conviction coupled with his widespread influence inevitably resulted in political fallout, yet his priorities were clear: Jesus first. Now in his nineties, Graham’s influence takes on a different... Read more

October 17, 2012

On Tuesday, I participated in a panel discussion hosted by the evangelical political advocacy organization Sojourners. I’ve worked with the folks at Sojourners for years, organizing debates between their president Jim Wallis and AEI president Arthur Brooks, and speaking alongside their director of communications, my friend Tim King. I’m constantly impressed by the goodwill I receive from Sojourners, despite some major differences of opinion. If more organizations on the Left and the Right demonstrated their willingness to publicly debate ideas we... Read more

October 10, 2012

With the election only weeks away, I’ve been asked to offer advice for undecided Christian voters.  Let me be clear right up front: I am not an undecided Christian voter. Nor am I an Independent. I have known I was going to vote for the Republican in 2012 since president-elect Obama stood astride the Big Silver Bean drinking in the adoration of thousands gathered in Chicago’s Millennium Park. I’m a conservative. It was clear at the time that Obama’s convictions... Read more

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