May 29, 2017

I had the God-given freedom to ignore all boxes when thinking about this problem. I remained steadfast in my belief that the world is abundant, and we would figure this out. Read more

May 26, 2017

A new administration is in our government, which means this is a time for us to think about national and international issues, and how our spirituality naturally leads to political choices - by our people in government and by our own voices. Read more

May 8, 2017

Occasionally, the Light shines brightly, and I just stumble forward. And I am learning to trust it. Read more

May 1, 2017

I needed to take a stand on immigration and sanctuary, and have done a lot of thinking about the command of Jesus to expand our idea of who our neighbor is. Read more

April 25, 2017

When the NRA called, I listened. They didn't want to talk to me, though! And then I did some research and discovered a personal connection to the NRA founders. Yikes! Read more

April 12, 2017

Over lunch my friend asked me, “How are you doing with all this with Trump? I mean as a Quaker, how are you keeping your temper?” What my friend knows is that I am a Quaker with a temper. Read more

March 31, 2017

A writing workshop for military veterans introduced me to warriors who had become pacifists. I worried that my views and beliefs would not be welcome here, but I was completely wrong. They accepted me just as I am. The Warrior Writers project came to a local community college to help the instructors understand their soldier students in hopes of encouraging more success.  They then gave a writing workshop I was allowed to participate in. The veterans voiced their jaded views... Read more

March 28, 2017

There was no love in the health care bill introduced by the Speaker of the House. The only love coming from 45 was love of self and his fairly embarrassing need for love. His empty assurances that there would be terrific coverage for everyone were a plea for all to love him. But it left me wondering, “Does his everyone include the street people?” Read more

March 17, 2017

“I don’t want to think about that stuff and I’m not going to write about it either.” John grabbed his backpack and stalked  out the door.  I had pushed too hard. It had happened in a moment. As the organizer of a writing project called Poetry Heals, I have learned great lessons from the homeless young people in my little town. They come from a wide range of backgrounds, most have mental illnesses or other chronic health conditions, and they... Read more

March 14, 2017

Kids with Quaker parents suffer all sorts of small embarrassments. Their parents wear political tee shirts … everywhere. Their box lunches are full of organic, vegetarian food that no one wants to trade for in the cafeteria. When the kids get together, they roll their eyes and make jokes about their urban farms, eating granola their whole lives, and when they first attended a peace rally.  And of course, they never got guns as toys, although bows and arrows were... Read more

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