Query Tuesday: Integrity

Query Tuesday: Integrity December 6, 2016

query tuesday

This week’s query asks us to consider our own behavior in terms of integrity, not just honesty. Honesty can be understood as simply telling the truth and paying for what you use. Integrity, as these queries come at it, requires that we go deeply into our natures to consider more subtle aspects of honesty. The question isn’t just “Do we pay our debts?” but “Do we pay our debts promptly?”

Here is the query from Intermountain Yearly Meeting’s Faith and Practice, 2009.

Do we keep to a single standard of truth? Are we punctual in keeping promises, prompt in the payment of debts, and just and honorable in all our dealings?  Do we exercise moderation and honesty in our speech, our manner or living, and out daily work?


For me, this query reminds me to “clean up my own house” before I criticize the actions of others.  In so doing, I have found that I am happier and that my life can speak, expressing the values and faith I live.  And that by example, I speak volumes more than my criticisms ever will.

photo by Geoffrey Whiteway, Freerange Stock


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