Three Faces of Spring

Three Faces of Spring April 2, 2010

Earth Maiden, Child Rhiannon; you have returned from the Isle of Annwyn, and Crone though you will always be, yours are the young buds and tender shoots. As the Sun hunts the Moon, Herne the Stag Lord, Lord of the Mound, has followed to find himself dressed in green as the face in the wood surrounded by the Creatures of his realm. He has awakened as the Green Man, Lord of the Green-wood, and he has heard the call— the hunt begins. He is the dancer amongst the standing stones, the wild man running the deep forest thicket, and his crown is the mantle of First Ancestor of which you are the jewel.

The winds from the eastern province blow renewal that can be felt; there is busyness in the air. Take a moment and listen to the land as birds sing, bees buzz from flower to flower, and squirrels chatter from near by trees. Beneath our feet the earth beats a rhythm as we see the new plants and as our own plough begins to turn the soil, both before us and within us. The youth of the land has entered its own and in kind our own blood flows a little quicker. Our Lady Severity though seemingly out of sight has not left us as an occasional late frost reminds.

Springs heralds many things. Observe with your senses and perhaps you will notice the smoke of a grill or the smell of freshly cut grass upon the wind. Winter is behind us and the warmth calls us outdoors. The local running, walking, and bikes trails find they are once again heavy in traffic. Spring break for many is a great release from the binds of winter and either school or work, and for even a few, the boundaries of society are cast temporarily to the side as we lose ourselves into renewed freedom.

Take a moment, it doesn’t have to be long, but see how not only is spring upon us but we are a part of spring.

Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss

“Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path.”

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