April 24, 2007

Which Theologian Are You?find out at quiz farm So I ran across this quiz online that will tell you which theologian you most resemble. I have to tell you, I was a little bit disturbed to see that I’m 40% Calvin. But knowing that being like Calvin doesn’t necessarily make you like a Calvinist seems to offer some comfort in a time like this. And luckily, he’s still near the bottom. Perhaps more disturbing is the Anslem thing up there... Read more

March 28, 2007

Praying for Paula I’m pissed. I have a friend named Paula, actually she’s a great friend of my wife. Here’s her story. I’m telling you because I want you to join me in praying for her. Paula was working at a Habitat for Humanity site as a volunteer one Saturday morning a long time ago, when a group of friends from my old church (Lakeland Community Church in Lee’s Summit), were there helping as well. She struck up a conversation... Read more

March 27, 2007

Into Great Silence a film by Philip Groning Into Great Silence is in theatres. Anyone interested in the monastic life has probably already heard about this movie. I have not yet seen it but I’ve been reading about it for a few weeks now. There is a great article on it in the Kansas City Star. They did a review as well. Essentially the film was shot by Philip Groning. He moved into a monastery in France and lived there... Read more

February 15, 2007

Schools of Thought, Ultimate Concern & Intellectual Snobbery Amazingly enough, Kansas State basketball is looking up under our new coach. That’s fun because K-State is my school. We actually have a legitimate shot at the NCAA tournament, which has not been even a remote possibility for the past decade. It probably won’t happen but…Go Cats! I was enjoying their win this weekend and thinking how folks who went to college generally have great affection for their school. I love K-State... Read more

January 20, 2007

A Conversation Among FriendsJanuary 18-19, 2007left to right: John Wright, moderator, George Lindbeck, David Burrell, Stanley Hauerwas.Nazarene Theological Seminary hosted gathering of great theological minds this past week. Stanley Hauerwas, George Lindbeck and David Burrell gathered to publicly discuss the question “Is the reformation over?” Me and a couple of friends went to listen to them and I have to tell you I was pretty blown away. All three have ties to Yale and Burrell and Hauerwas were at Notre... Read more

January 18, 2007

A Theology for the Social Gospelby Walter Rauschenbusch I read a great book over the holidays and have since had to write a paper on it for one of my classes. The class is called “Contemporary Theology: Barth to the Mid-Century,” and the book is called A Theology for the Social Gospel by Walter Rauschenbusch. Rauschenbusch was a Baptist minister in Hell’s Kitchen in New York City from 1886 to 1897. If you’ve seen the Scorsese movie “Gangs of New... Read more

December 1, 2006

Satellite Soul Now Available4th Project at CD Baby Now I’m pretty stoked because our new record is out as of today. If you are into it, stop by CdBaby and pick up a copy of your own. It’s on sale for around $12 – it’s not on itunes yet but should but up within the week, they tell us. Also we’ve got a brand new website up and running and our myspace page has been getting some traffic as well.... Read more

October 17, 2006

The Kingdom of God [ Thanks to Scott Stone for eliciting this post with his study and comments ] I’ve done a lot of reading over the past few years on the Kingdom of God. It is one of the most important biblical themes to study in my opinion, because it is the central teaching of Jesus Christ as we know from the 4 gospels. I have this theory, I know I’m not the first to come up with it.... Read more

October 9, 2006

Martin Lutherhere are two great reads on this man’s life and theology… Luther: Man Between God and the Devil andMartin Luther’s Theology: It’s Historical and Systematic DevelopmentI’ve had to read a couple of really good books on Luther over the last two weeks. I’m really blown away by this man and all that he accomplished in his lifetime. He’s a really interesting figure when it comes to controversy and I’m still trying to get a hold on his theology, but... Read more

September 20, 2006

Reading MarkA Literary and Theological Commentary on the Second GospelbySharyn Dowd Sharyn Dowd is a Southern Baptist theologian and is a professor in the religion department at Baylor. Dr. Dowd has a PhD. from Emory, which is a really good school, I think she got her masters at a Southern Baptist Seminary and her undergraduate at Wake Forest. She was on staff with a large Baptist church in North Carolina but has found some acclaim as an insightful biblical scholar... Read more

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