Back Again

Back Again March 20, 2017

By User:Arpingstone (Photograph by Adrian Pingstone) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
By User:Arpingstone (Photograph by Adrian Pingstone) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
I’ve been away this past week, and have subsequently neglected the blog.


We spent three days in Toronto last week visiting friends, then spent half a day at my brother’s house on the way home, then drove to the Brockville Aquatarium to meet up with other friends the day after that. And it was wonderful and fun and crazy and exhausting. We visited the Ontario Science Centre and rode the subway, both of which my kids found about equally exciting, I think. I sat up at night with mulled wine and talked about the nature of love and friendship with a dear friend while our kids slept. We ate birthday cake and shwarma. We went sledding with cousins and made snow forts. We learned about rivers and waterways, and ate fish and chips in my hometown while looking out over the St. Lawrence River.

We started our March Break with a birthday party, and ended it with a birthday outing, both for the same kid.

He’s had a rather stretched-out birthday. You’ll remember that my last post referenced my oldest son’s 12th birthday, which was almost two weeks ago. Lucky kid that he is, he got to have cheesecake on his actual birthday along with a gift from me, a TARDIS cake at our family March birthday get-together accompanied by more gifts, a gift from the friends we visited over March Break, and then a birthday Escape Room outing with friends yesterday–plus, you guessed it, more gifts.

It might tell you something about my kiddo to know that virtually all of the gifts were books, and one was a collection of bookmarks–and he’s been thrilled with all of them.

I love this kid.

If I were a more organized person or a more experienced and professional Patheosi, I suppose I would have pre-written and scheduled posts to go up during my time away.

I did think about it. But thought didn’t turn into action, and the good intentions involved in packing my work laptop to take with me didn’t bear any blog fruit either, so here we are, picking up after some time away. I hope what little audience I have will have stuck around through the dry spell!

Anyway. It’s been a nutty little while, and completely worth it, but now I’m back at my computer, enjoying the quiet and the comfort of being in my own space with my things all around me. And all of my adventures have given me plenty to think and write about. So please do keep checking in on my little corner of blogdom.

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