April 10, 2015

In today's buzz, Obama supports banning gay conversion therapy, and just thinking about Buddhism makes you more compassionate. Read more

April 9, 2015

Overall, 44 percent of Americans support the death penalty, while 48 percent support life in prison with parole for those convicted of murder. Read more

April 9, 2015

In today's buzz, a group of Mormons publicly oppose top LDS leaders, and doctors and environmental authorities link impacts of climate change to public health. Read more

April 8, 2015

Americans and millennials alike stray away from the “pro-life” and “pro-choice” labels that have defined the abortion debate for decades. Read more

April 8, 2015

In today's buzz, our new infographic on millennials' support for contraception, teaching yoga in public schools, and religion on "Game of Thrones" this season. Read more

April 7, 2015

Contraception’s cost, accessibility, and morality have been hotly debated in recent years—but for millennials, contraception is hardly a controversial topic. This is according to our latest survey, which explores the attitudes of 2,300+ Americans, age 18-35, on issues of sexuality, reproductive health, and public policies on abortion and contraception. The survey reveals that millennials disagree on a number of sexual health issues, including the usefulness of sex education, the legality […] Read more

April 7, 2015

In today's buzz, baseball's struggle to recruit young fans, HuffPo's new project titled "What It Means To Be Muslim in America," and "Clinton the Musical." Read more

April 6, 2015

In today's buzz, how each of 2016's most buzzed-about candidates found their faith, and President Obama's new climate action plan. Read more

April 5, 2015

PRRI data reveals significant generational divides on American Jewish identity. Read more

April 3, 2015

New York Times' Frank Bruni uses data from PRRI's American Values Atlas to help explain the evolving relationship between religion and LGBT discrimination. Read more

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