Around the Blogosphere

Around the Blogosphere February 7, 2008

I’m wondering if I should just rename these regular posts sharing other interesting items from other blogs should be permanently renamed “Lost in the Blogosphere”. For the next several weeks at least, it is unlikely that any of these posts will fail to mention LOST. At any rate, I have no particular speculations about tonight’s episode, except that all the recent references to the finding of Oceanic Flight 815 at the bottom of the ocean may suggest that the newcomers are somehow connected with, or at least motivated by, the recovery of a plane that has been identified as Oceanic 815. Off The Pink has a nice post on LOST and storytelling (HT SF Signal). You may also find Terminator vs. Highlander: The Sarah Connor McLeod Chronicles amusing.

Pisteuomen has a thought-provoking post on why it is inaccurate to say that Jesus “predicts his death” in Mark’s Gospel. Theo Geek has an entry on Jesus and the apostles on homosexuality. Northstate Science continues its review of Eric Cline’s book From Eden to Exile (which I also mentioned here). Reclaiming the Mind announced an exciting treasure trove of New Testament manuscripts that has been found.

There is always interesting science news, but an announcement about progress increasing the lifespan of worms is particularly noteworthy. Although any consequences for human life extension are still very far off, it is already interesting to speculate on how such technology, if it one day becomes a reality, will impact religious traditions which in our time have placed the focus of their message on living forever.

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