Parable of the Day (Dave Tomlinson)

Parable of the Day (Dave Tomlinson) March 21, 2008
Jesus told this parable to a gathering of evangelical leaders. ‘A Spring Harvest speaker and a liberal bishop each sat down and read the Bible. The Spring Harvest speaker thanked God for the precious gift of the Holy Scriptures and pledged himself once again to proclaim them faithfully. “Thank you God”, he prayed, “that I am not like this poor bishop who doesn’t believe your word, and seems unable to make up his mind or not whether or not Christ rose from the dead”. The Bishop looked puzzled as he flicked through the pages of the Bible and said “Virgin birth, water into wine, physical resurrection, I honestly don’t know if I can believe these things Lord. In fact, I’m not even sure if you exist as a personal Being, but I am going to keep on searching.” I tell you that this Liberal Bishop rather than the other man went home justified before God. For anyone who thinks he has arrived at his destination has hardly begun, and he who continues to search is closer to the destination than he realizes.’

From Dave Tomlinson, The Post-Evangelical (Zondervan, 2003) pp. 61-62.

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