Even Less Friendly

Even Less Friendly December 1, 2008

It seems ironic to me that Roger Pearse has now taken the step of censoring my responses to him, since the discussion began with the topic of being “less friendly”. Here’s the comment he “unapproved”:

“Lynch the Christians”? Why would I want to have myself lynched? Presumably you have brought a great deal of baggage to this subject, and have made some assumptions about where I am coming from. I am sure you will remain persuaded that I am the one projecting, and I’m open to that possibility. But be that as it may, I sincerely doubt that I am the only one.

Your response, I might add, illustrates my point. Criticism is treated as persecution by lots of conservative Christians. I know I viewed it that way in my more conservative days. No one has called for Christians to by lynched in connection with this discussion. In fact, what I pointed out is that a metaphorical “lynching” is more likely from conservative Evangelicals than from SBL, but conservatives regularly project their own hostility onto their opponents. Really, could you have illustrated my point better than in your reply above, which clearly not only misses the point of my initial post, but projects onto me and onto the whole discussion a hostility that I certainly didn’t introduce?

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