Free Scholarship

Free Scholarship November 12, 2009

I continue to be amazed at how much excellent scholarship is available for free online. There are some I’ve mentioned in the past, but among those made available (or about which I learned) very recently are the following:

The 2009 SBL papers (thanks to Michael Halcomb)
Tyndale Press Monographs
A lengthy list of open access journals in ancient studies

To those who might be inclined to just trust whichever web page comes up first when you search via Yahoo! or Google, or to just rely on hearsay or Wikipedia or YouTube videos made by people with no relevant expertise and in many cases no knowledge or facts behind their claims, there is clearly an alternative. The Tyndale monographs reflect conservative Evangelical scholarship, a viewpoint one will also find in SBL papers and journal articles, but in the latter one can also find other perspectives and points of view as well, perhaps more strongly represented. This means you don’t even have to risk “exposing yourself” to those nasty “others” – whether wishy-washy liberal heretics or closed-minded conservatives or whoever else you might secretly fear you’ll turn into if you read the wrong stuff. You can limit yourself to scholarship that reflects your own tradition, and still improve your understanding of a given subject, without scraping the bottom of the barrel and relying on views of charlatans and self-proclaimed experts with delusions of self-importance.

And so let me make this TV-ad style offer. Try genuine scholarship free from the comfort of your own home for 30 days. If you are not completely satisfied, your ignorance will be returned to you at no extra charge.

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